Architectural Fabrics

Other Shades

Other outdoor roof, roof get light - switch your lifestyle with Sports SkyZone
You have a dark wet areas all year round without getting sunlight? Why not use the canvas cover from SkyZone control light and shade with a switch using a sun roof open and close with Crouching design from SkyZone Sports. This way, you can control the environment in indoor and outdoor, and will change the way you live with a roof made from light all year round.
Outdoor sheltered from light and rain resistant
Combining quality ingredients from outdoor canvas cover with SkyZone Sports simple design, the roof took our breakfast:
- Steel or aluminum frames
- Or connect from the wall available
- Gutter
Roof open special interests than the BBQ area, spa area, swimming pool, lobby,. You'll be more comfortable with this style of roof products.
An outdoor roof open format:
Expand your enjoyment of the outdoors: early mornings, rainy days, winter, starry night
Allow ventilation and shade on sunny days. By adjusting the aluminum louvres with material from specialized outdoor canvas cover for the hot air out and the cool breeze and light surroundings.
Protecting people and belongings such as carpets, chairs or tables from the UV rays.
Adding value to homes